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Green - the most desired color for this season.



Green - the most desired color for this season.

Green promises to be the color of summer in 2022. From vibrant to pastel – the hue is dominating fashion trends in a huge variety of nuances.

Lime, grass or a refreshing mint hue – green is the color we'll see everywhere. You can see this in the countless street style looks and many brands are also showcasing the color in their 2022 summer collections.

And green is exactly the color we need after a long time of lockdown and pandemic... Because according to the symbolism of the color, it has a calming and natural effect. From a psychological point of view, we associate new beginnings, nature, contentment and hope.

One thing is certain: whether in summer dresses, blouses or accessories – green draws attention and puts you in a good mood. We'll show you how trend color can be multifaceted in summer and how you can combine it.

very versatile

We tend to go for more closed colors in winter, but in summer we want to show some vibrant color again. And green comes strong and comes with a variety of shades. From the most neutral to the most cheerful, there is something for all tastes.

Green colors that are in fashion

Pantone colors “Pickled Pepper“, a light green tone with a yellow-brown undertone, and “Beach Glass“, a refreshing mint green were the darlings on the 2022 summer runways.

If you like something flashy, this summer simply goes for the bright tones. With a nice summer tan and in combination with white clothes and/or accessories, the trend color stands out.

The green color is quite attractive and therefore basically doesn't need any more styling partners. To be the summer guy, for example, just wear a dress in the fashion color.

Just add a pair of comfortable sandals, mules or sneakers and the look is ready. Y ou can match the monochrome green from head to toe .

Bright colors are simply part of summer. And you need to ask yourself: Do you really want to get attention with your outfit? If the answer is yes, just combine the green pieces with other colors in summer, for example purple, orange or blue.

We love colors… and are you ready to see the green summer?


Mariana Alves: @doisenes

Joana Dalla Roza: @jodallaroza

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