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Bunk or Treliche: a great alternative to gain more space

With a lot of style and personality!

Bunk or Treliche: a great alternative to gain more space

With a lot of style and personality!

Whether to receive guests or to accommodate children, the bunk bed or trellis is the most practical and easiest solution, for those who need two or more beds in the same room.

Very versatile, it is possible to find a bunk bed or trellis with different functionalities, materials and formats.

How did bunk beds come about?

Originally, the name bunk was given to a compartment on the ship, where its crew slept.

Later, cabins with superimposed narrow beds took this name, and finally, to sets of beds that were mounted on top of each other.

The bunk bed was created thinking about optimizing space, especially in small rooms, where initially, only one bed would fit.

However, many people have chosen to use bunk beds, even in larger rooms, simply because they prefer to have a space with a larger free area, to add other furniture such as a wardrobe, armchairs or even a desk.

Bunk beds are limited to children?

No way!

Bunk beds are by far the favorites of kids, however, it serves very well to accommodate teenagers and adults, making their rooms more functional and cozy, with free space for a study area or an office to work from home.

As for children, is there a correct age to sleep in a bunk bed?

Bunk beds or trellises are great options for those with more than two children at home.

However, there is some concern about the safety of the little ones, especially in the bed above the bunk.

Although most of these furniture have protection bars on the sides, experts recommend that only children over 5 years old can sleep on top of the bunk.

A child tends to move around a lot during sleep, requiring that the smallest sleep on the bottom and the larger on the top, but with a protection rail.

choosing the right bunk

Issues such as type of material, furniture dimensions (especially to accommodate the mattress you already have at home, if applicable) and ladder model (vertical, inclined or in steps), will make you have a great experience with this product.

As for the models available on the market, there are bunk beds with a more youthful look for teenagers, clean for adults and playful for children.

Depending on the model and type of material, this bunk bed can be used for many years, from childhood to adolescence.

And speaking of durability...

Bunk beds or trellises made of solid wood have more resistance and high durability.

However, MDF materials also offer good strength and a beautiful finish.

Another material that is not so popular, but that is also very durable is iron or steel which, despite being resistant, does not add delicacy to the environment, being more suitable for teenagers and adults.

Bunk beds with a twist

Some models of bunk beds or trellises offer a very interesting multifunctionality.

In addition to providing more comfort and extra space, some furniture has shelves, chests of drawers, desks and much more.

In other words, more space to organize clothes, shoes and toys, for example.

In the "children's bunks" category, you can find furniture with curtains on the bottom bed and slides when you get off the top bed.

And finally, the treliches that come with an extra bed that can be pulled to the side or placed elsewhere, thus having an additional bed.

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