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4 neutral looks to bet on

neutral looks for you to bet


4 neutral looks to bet on

neutral looks for you to bet

Colors have the power to bring joy to any production, from opaque tones to bright ones, colors transform any simple composition into a striking look. Every season, new trend colors appear and it doesn't take long for us to start seeing fashionistas from all over the world betting on their favorites.

Neutral tones are very versatile and are great options for those who want to start in the world of colors, so if you want to take a risk in this universe and don't know where to start, play with neutral tones that the bet is right.

Unlike what many people imagine, these colors are not restricted to black, gray and white, for example. The palette of neutrals is much broader, ranging from shades of moss green, navy blue, burgundy, and even the famous earth tones that are also part of this category.

It is not today that earth tones are successful among fashionistas. From a few seasons to now, we realized that they were present in fashion shows of major brands and in the coolest street style productions. With the rise of the trend of neutral tones, brown tones will be a constant presence and will rock more than ever!

You must be wondering why a shade of blue is here when it comes to neutral tones, and we'll tell you. Navy blue is also a neutral shade, as it has a lot of resemblance to the classic shade of jeans, which we already know is universal, goes with everything.

Within the palette of neutral tones, off white is there, shining. We've noticed that fashionistas' favorite styling trick during the last fashion season has been monochromatic looks with neutral tones and let's face it, they're perfect.

We love neutral tones, how about you?

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