moccasin in summer

How to wear looks with female moccasins


moccasin in summer

How to wear looks with female moccasins

You already know that fashion is cyclical, what was a trend yesterday may come back to its peak tomorrow, we have relived the 60s and 80s in the last few seasons, and the 90s are back in full force.

We saw in recent posts several trends that came directly from the 90s, overalls, low pants, the total look of jeans dominated not only the editorial pages, but took to the streets of the main cities and even the (dreaded) choker that imitates tattoo adorned the neck from the most fashionistas. Perhaps you've already noticed, but the moccasins or loafers, which were a fad in the 90's, are taking the feet and the shop windows.

Extremely comfortable and originally masculine, they make any look more laid-back, whether with pants, shorts, skirt or dress! You may also know them by “dockside”, although they are similar, the dockside has a slightly higher sole and is normally white.

As the shoe has a more masculine style, it combines very well with super feminine pieces, as this way, the contrast is super modern.

Use and abuse moccasins with a skirt on hot summer days. Colorful pieces and prints make the look more lively. Shorts and shorts are a great option for those who want to do a more relaxed look with bare legs!

Want to wear moccasins with pants? Go without fear! The combination is perfect with regattas for the day to day or with a more glamorous blouse for the night. And finish it off with a well-fitting blazer.

So, do you already have a moccasin to call your own?

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