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The color that never goes out of style!



The color that never goes out of style!

Winter has truly arrived, and with it several trends and bets for the coolest season of all. If there's a trend that has already become part of our winters, it's earthy tones! And camel has already been considered as the 'new black', as it is also a classic color that goes with everything. As the name says, it is inspired by camel fur, that is, the palette of earthy tones, so darling and indispensable in any fashionista's closet.

Firstly, because it is an earthy shade, caramel is very versatile and goes well with all other colors, ranging from winter to summer, from clothes to accessories.

For the summer, it is perfect combined with white or with very intense colors such as bic blue, bright red, green flag and bright yellow.

For colder days, in autumn or winter, caramel goes well with black, navy blue, wine, gray, mustard, beige and with moss or military green.

Well, if you didn't know that camel is one of the colors that never go out of style, now you know! But, you also know that pictures are worth a thousand words, let's leave the talk a little aside and move on to some more inspirational looks in this color that is TIMELESS! This way, you can already write down how you can use it throughout the year.

So, have you surrendered to this trend?

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