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The power of friendship in school performance

Interest and good school performance are directly linked to friendships at school

The power of friendship in school performance

Interest and good school performance are directly linked to friendships at school

Something we hardly realize is how  relationships at school can affect our children's school performance, either positively or negatively.  We tend to monitor what kind of friendship our children have outside of school and forget how much this school friendship can influence them.  Therefore, we have decided to focus on this type of friendship and what impact it can have on our children's lives.

 Many experts say that the friendship our children have with other students can influence their development and learning ability. This is so serious that if a student does not feel that he is part of a group, or that he is not accepted by his peers, he may develop depression, difficulty in learning and even more, aggressive behavior. In any case, it is very important to observe and talk to your child about how he feels and the kind of friendship he has in his class. Simple strategies such as encouraging your child to join study groups or even arranging to meet outside the school environment, such as going to ice cream parlors or playing video games at home, will help you identify the kind of relationship and rapport your child has with his schoolmates. Promoting this feeling of good coexistence will bring pleasant and positive moments, making the level of friendship grow even more among them.

Friendship and studies: a successful partnership

When a trustworthy and secure environment is established that a good friendship can promote, this can positively affect studies. This is because students feel supported in their homework, in studying for exams, in doing schoolwork, and the empathy that is developed in a good friendship will encourage each other to give their best and celebrate when the achievements come. 

Friends for life

Surely you have or you know someone who has made lifelong friendships at school. A good friend at school encourages you to study, you can share similar opinions about teachers and other classmates or situations. In other words, he basically understands what you're going through, and having someone like this makes our lives lighter. So, encourage your children to make friends at school, because you never know how much this good friendship will make a difference in your children's lives!

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