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The current trend is the pillow slide, better known as the cloud slipper.
The slipper, which looks like orthopedic shoes, is the must have of the season and promises not to be a passing trend.
We can see the pillow slide in various models and colors. There's something for all tastes and styles!
For a total comfort look, the pillow slide works great. Evidencing a very casual and casual approach with a touch of fashion.
The versatility of jeans also speaks to the urban footprint of the pillow slide. On milder days, the composition of pillow slide with socks can be your ally.
And for those who think that the sweatshirt is the only possibility to look with the pillow slide, you're wrong! LOOK .. these look very fashionista the slide that we separated!
We can see tidier versions of looks, such as outfits, dressed in linen pieces.
Accessories also complement the look and contribute to an even more statement look.
Now tell me, are you one of those who loved this trend or didn't like it at all?
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