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Comfy is the new black

Comfort in a fashion and cool way


Comfy is the new black

Comfort in a fashion and cool way

The pandemic has changed habits around the world. And in the fashion world this was no different. Social isolation, home office, homeschooling made people spend more time at home. More time at home equals more and more comfortable clothes. And at that moment, pajamas became the best option.

With this, comfortable fashion gained space and showed that it is here to stay, enabling the creation of stylish looks even at home, without requiring large productions. The idea of ​​“less is more” stands out in the pandemic and could be a trend for the coming months as well.

Comfy is the new black.

The catch of the moment was to transform the feeling of comfort of pajamas into other fashionista productions, betting on more practical and functional materials for the new reality.

Lighter or neutral colors, softer fabrics and straight cuts, for example, can provide this feeling of warmth and comfort. Therefore, pieces in sweatshirt and knitwear gained space in the fashion world, no longer being just basic items to stay at home.

Loose dresses and shorts, oversized or cropped blouses, overalls, sweatshirt sets with matching colors or the same hue were the highlights of the last year.

Comfy fashion has a more basic feature. But that doesn't mean that you can't explore stylish productions with pieces like this and that's why we're here.

And what is inside this trend?

Oversized dresses:

The patterned over dresses are perfect for any occasion. Cool, comfy and very girly! Perfect for those hottest home office days.


The jumpsuit is a very versatile piece and the face of the comfy style. As it is a unique piece, it goes well in any occasion, and the risk of error, when it comes to a unique piece, is much smaller.


When I think of comfy, the first image that comes to my mind is a very warm sweatshirt or pajama set, however the sweaters have undergone a very fashion reinterpretation. And with the right accessories, you can go with it, from the home office to happy hour.

And the Shoes? Which ones make up this trend?

If you have a shoe that is in this comfy trend, it's definitely the mule. A very comfortable shoe, closed at the front and open at the back, goes well with almost anything.


Is there something more comfy than the sneaker trend that came out strong in the middle of the pandemic, too? And it's literally the most versatile proposition ever. goes well with everything, in all occasions and has several models available for the most varied tastes.

And there? How many % are you inside this trend?

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