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How to be a great gamer

Some tips to become the best one

How to be a great gamer

Some tips to become the best one

Gamer is someone who devotes his time to video games and their culture. However it is necessary to have specific equipment to optimize this experience. It is also very important to be informed about the language a gamer uses. Choosing a game you love to play and practicing it a lot is the first step to becoming a gamer.

To start... Play video game!

It's very important to research the some games and play some of them, so that you realize which game you like the most. Then just play it and play it many times until you can master all the commands and be very good at it. One tip is to choose a game that suits your interests and research about it, in addition to talking to those who play it to become familiar with it. 

In order to be a true gamer you need to practice every day, developing your own strategies with your talent. Also observe how other gamers play, because we learn a lot by observation. You can watch videos about the game you've chosen and read tutorials to learn more about it.

Have the right console and accessories!

To be a good gamer you need a good console, comfortable controllers and peripherals according to the game you have chosen. It is worthwhile to research the advantages that each console offers to make your decision. Many games allow online participation of other players, so it is good to have a headset to interact with them with quality.

Information is power!

Those who go deeper into knowing and studying more about the game they have chosen, will have more advantages and possibilities to become a better player day by day. Gamers have their own culture, with their lifestyle, slang and rules. So, interact with them, as they will have many things to teach and share. 

Play with your friends

Although many people have the idea that a gamer has no social life, with all the technology developed for communication and very interactive games, this scenario has changed a lot. The real gamer joins the crowd to play, whether at home or online.

Collect your favorite games

Finally, a great gamer's habit is to collect his favorite games. Not only the games but everything about the universe of his games, such as movies, soundtracks, action figures among so many things that the world of games can offer.

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