Bucket Hat - the fisherman's hat comes with everything next summer

How to wear the most desired hat of the season

Bucket Hat - the fisherman's hat comes with everything next summer

How to wear the most desired hat of the season

Love it or hate it, the bucket hat is here to stay and this summer we can expect a 2.0 version of this hot hair accessory. Totally influenced by craftcore and kidcore macrotrends, this model returns with a more artisanal feel, crocheted and with colorful details.

Originally created as a durable fisherman's piece over 100 years ago, the Bucket Hat became a hit with hip-hop singers and skateboarders in the 1990s and 2000s. essential, especially on hot summer days.

Also known as the “fisherman's hat”, the model has an infinite variety of fabrics, prints and colors, to compose the look and even protect the face from the sun.

The bucket hat can be controversial, but we need to agree that when it comes to elevating the look in seconds, it is the right choice. Including, leaving the sameness and bringing a more cool and super cool mood to the outfit is up to him.

Whether it's a romantic dress, in a more basic production or finishing off a sporty look, this is the wildest accessory of the season and we show you how to wear it and rock it with the bucket hat.

Who said that the relaxed look of the hat doesn't go well with formal pieces? Quite the opposite! Creates an interesting style contrast and full of fashion information.

With bikini:

In addition to protecting you from the summer sun, the hat or bucket hat and even the visors can make the result more fashionista, you know?

With Dress:

Even in the same climate of high temperatures, loose, short or spaghetti-strap dresses can be your bffs. They also look great with straw and flat hats.

If your favorite looks are the cozy and comfortable ones, it's worth betting on the little sweatshirt sets, shirts and basic tank top. The street style footprint is due to the fanny pack, sneakers and, of course, the bucket hat.

But tell me, do you already have a bucket to call your own this season?