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Travel in quarantine times

Find out everything that has been done to make your trip safer!

Travel in quarantine times

Find out everything that has been done to make your trip safer!

If you look at the social networks of friends and acquaintances, you will see that some people are already more courageous to travel. But the question that doesn't stop is: can we travel with 100% security?

The moment is still of uncertainty , but it is important to know what the airlines have done to reduce the risks of contamination .

Before traveling around, it is extremely necessary that you are informed about the current situation of the country or state in which you want to visit, restrictions and requirements.

As for airlines, be sure about WHO's cancellation and refund policies and recommendations on the status of Covid-19 around the world.

What to expect from a flight in quarantine

Well, airlines have been using HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) technology in their air filters for a long time to renew the air.

Experts guarantee that this process is effective in cleaning the air, but cannot guarantee that it is 100% efficient against possible contamination of the Covid-19.

Therefore, it is important to keep using masks, using alcohol gel, especially when touching other armchairs, taps, handles and doors. The aircraft cleaning teams had already maintained a strict cleaning routine before this pandemic, as stated by a cleaning agent at one of São Paulo's airports.

An example of this, according to her, is that the time for cleaning and sanitizing the aircraft has been increased and when there is an aircraft whose origin is from a state or country with a high level of contamination, cleaning is done with differentiated equipment and products to ensure decontamination, if any. Landing aircraft is also done in stages, avoiding those crowds in the corridors as soon as the plane lands.

Outside aircraft, that is, at airports the routine is as strict as inside aircraft

The use of a mask is required at all times, alcohol gel is available for customers and crew throughout the airport, the on-board service operates with a reduced number of crew. the rules for boarding and disembarking have been adapted to avoid crowds and check-in must be done online.

What about hosting?

After suffering a major drop in business, hotel groups have been organizing themselves to take advantage of this opportunity to receive their guests with due security. Therefore, when making a reservation ask about the place's hygiene routine and cancellation policies.

When arriving at the hotel, check if there is alcohol gel available in strategic places and if the technology is used to avoid contact and touch devices such as card machines, for example.

Furthermore, the good sensor must exist in any situation. How to avoid crowding, use a mask and gel alcohol, and always choose open and well ventilated places.

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