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The exercise bike is one of the most recommended sports equipment for those who want to lose weight and increase lower body muscle resistance.
At the gyms, they are popular with spinning classes, but this type of exercise can be done in the comfort of your own home, as long as you have the right equipment.
There are many models of exercise bikes on the market, with different prices and functions, adapting to the needs of those seeking them and their financial availability as well.
For some, this type of exercise can be tiring and repetitive, but the truth is that the health benefits are many, such as weight loss, toning the legs and glutes, and a healthier heart.
It is also important to say that, toned muscles are not limited to just aesthetic values.
A toned musculature is essential to support and protect the joints, especially against incorrect movements, considerably reducing the risk of injury.
Practicing for at least 30 minutes on an exercise bike helps the body release more endorphins and adrenaline, helping to strengthen the immune system and creating a feeling of happiness and pleasure.
By doing the exercise bike exercises correctly, you greatly reduce the impact on your joints (ankle, knee and hip), helping you to recover from orthopedic injuries.
That's right!
Exercising on an exercise bike can be an excellent help for those who want to lose weight and eliminate localized fat.
Another benefit is the increase in lean mass, since, by burning fat, you are able to leave the lean mass that is built in weight training.
When pedaling, your muscles get used to it, adapting each day, with more strength and developing that all-important tone.
This is good not only for the muscles, but also for the surrounding bones and ligaments.
As it is a cardiovascular exercise, it helps to lower blood pressure, control sugar levels and improve heart function.
Increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol, preventing serious problems such as stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure and even thrombosis.
And in the list of best exercise bikes:
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