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Surely you've already noticed that there are many models of bags out there and sometimes we get a little lost when choosing a model, especially if you're going to buy online.
“Big pink leather bag zipper > google > search”, I know this is your google search when you want to buy a new bag. And it was with this in mind that we came to help you no longer have any doubts when looking for that model that you want so much. We have separated the 9 main bag models and the main features that differentiate one from the others.
Elongated bag on the side, resembling the shape of a baguette, as the name implies.
Their models are generally well structured, with a long handle and a hand. Mostly with closure on buckles that resemble the school bags of yesteryear.
Small, elongated bag (rectangular). It can be with or without a handle, more minimalist designs or full of details and applications. In the past, it was the most chosen model for nightwear, but for some time now it has gained versatility and used it with different looks, occasions, day and night. If it is shaped like a letter, it is called an envelope.
This bag is usually large in the shape of a half moon and has only one shoulder strap. This bag is usually made of a more malleable and unstructured material.
It is one of the most popular models, and became popular here in Brazil as a tote bag! In the beginning it was manufactured without a zipper and today we have several models that really resemble an open bag, but several others already have a zipper too! It has the most square shape and is perfect for carrying a lot of things and being used on a daily basis, as it is versatile and super elegant!
A bag every woman needs to have! As it is small, it is practical and mega versatile, being great for carrying documents and small everyday items, or for quick trips and even for that happy hour or party!
It is a type of bag with a seam finish that forms different types of embossing and textures, leaving a quilted finish. It can be of different sizes and with a shoulder strap or a long cross-hand strap.
Inspired by the shape of the bags that hang from the saddle, hence the name.
Originally used for large tote bags, with shoulder strap is perfect for shopping. But nowadays this term is also used for medium-sized shoulder bags.
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